Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wendy Better Denise Milani


Despite his political activism and the continuing reports about drug trafficking and organized crime, Guerrero has a different profile, which was released by relatives, mostly by his mother, Dona Maria Dumé.

El Llano, Bani .- In the small village of El Llano on the outskirts of Bam, in the decade of 40 and with the help of a midwife, was born one of the most controversial country's lawmakers, who nearly put him by name Welcome.

"Children who are born without mourn, we named Welcome and the midwife told me. Of all my children the only thing was he did not cry at birth, the single strand and that every last man cried, and I was eight deliveries and everyone was shouting, then the midwife said we have to give is welcome and I said I have a very nice name now and then, if we are to put Welcome but second ... (laughs). "argued Maria Dumé, mother of Wilton.

Thus Welcome and Wilton Guerrero appoint Dumé. His mother says that sobreprotegió in its infancy and youth, which she said, dedicated solely to the study. "lamp that he was with a student. I do not know how much he read, because they were books, magazines, Mao Tse Tung and large these people. "

grew a modest home in the legislature. Her education was founded by a family fellowship that aupaba its intellect. Although her father worried that their children had some kind of fun.

"All weekend to go to the matinee gave each a good money, but every Saturday. Then he picked it to buy materials to fix this country, but I do not know what he was to fix. " Dumé says.

And one of the younger brothers of the legislature, Socrates Guerrero, Wilton Guerrero said felt that what you would spend watching a movie, he took advantage of better gathering and buying what he believed was a brochure for a study.


adolescence, the legislature was now creating an empire as a trader Banilejo entrepreneur. According to his family, while managing several stores, marketed milk aboard a bicycle.

But Guerrero has always lived under the shadow of politics. His father, Manuel de Jesús Guerrero known as Liquito, was the first trustee elected in Bani, the PRD, therefore ensure that their relatives as political gifts carried in your blood.

"He was a politician, I believe that since birth. I did not notice or when it was political, for me it was forever." Guerrero's mother said.

Although at age 16 tried enter workshop including reached becarlo, two years later initiated medical career University Autónoma de Santo Domingo, studies interrupted by Revolution 65. Married and start another career, that of political science to be a militant leftist.

"Military in Mov. April 24 directing him Héctor Aristy after revolution. Participated in different movements but all were revolutionaries." Said Sócrates Guerrero.

With the left, Guerrero Dumé toured the country to denounce the abuses of 12 years of Balaguer. This modus operandi continued live in it after joining the LDP, whose party THROUGH becomes senator for the first time in 90. Wilton Guerrero is known today as the congressman who fight against drug trafficking. His complaints about the Massacre of Paya attracted public attention.

recognize that their constant attacks on organized crime and its links with the authorities have put the family in front of danger, but that does not fazed. "I feel at fault, I would like to be young to accompany him and do the same. I do not feel fear, I do not know fear." Said the mother.

At 86, Maria Dumé is aware that his son lives at the risk of death, but says not into him for the positions they assume. Laughingly said he wanted to pull the ears is questioning him, it is hindered in the work he does. "El comes here I I start refer often you know make many comments news and I tell and quiet."

A 360 degree turn has given life to the legislature as a result of warlike operations against drug trafficking. Guerrero now unfolding in the day to day amid tight police shield. His relatives yearn to share with him like a normal family.

Maria Dumé refuted that his private life is not the same. "That man loved here man and security had many problems. Why is it that he comes here, when it came, and could not see a closed window, you had to open them all, and always has been and said security here was not safe for him. "

In the dusty streets Peravia province, pride through the skin of Banilejo who support the actions of its townspeople against the scourge of drugs.

"As Banilejo I am very proud to have someone represent me in Congress with dignity and prestige. A person who defends us who really knows what their role as legislator and as a citizen. "AfirmóFausto Felix For Adela Tejeda

Wilton Guerrero has the respect of all the Dominican people, because, she said, he defends the humble mass and faces all the things that has been facing recently.

And is that both the people of Bam and his family wanted the senator to come true the dream of his childhood, according to his brother Socrates is to assist the transformation of this country where he is. "No matter whether in the Senate, where ever you are that is the goal to fight for the changes to the republic to live decent and honest."

stroking her face with tears, Maria Dumé said he is pleased and more than he is expected not think about anything else. "All I ask of God, is that always protect me and the words are in every heart, every heart blessed, blessed be God that I care for him, but I think that may not give over what has given that the sometimes even of impotence think one weeps sometimes. When one formula struggle one and things one sees and one this happening and one has passed since so long. I that's all I ask God and I will protect your family, all his children, that if something is going to fall, it falls on me but not a child falls on him, because I think the pain for me will do it bigger. " Unbeknownst

aspirations presidenciales por parte del legislador, en sus adentros, la familia de Wilton Guerrero no desea que él llegue a la presidencia para preservar aun más su vida.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Texas Dmv Homemade Trailer Form


La muerte de dos jóvenes en menos de 78 horas en los hospitales de Neyba a causa de un fuerte sangrado y graves afecciones respiratorias, tiene alarmada a la comunidad de la región Sur.

Neiba, Rep.Dom.- Una extraña enfermedad que circunda el ambiente mantiene atemorizados a la comunidad de El Salado en Galván, Neyba, porque en menos de una semana cuatro personas han fallecido y 30 permanecen internal.

Total devastation in the streets. People are hiding in their homes because of a virus which ghostly regional health authorities suspect that a mutation in H1N1 type 3 dengue and leptospirosis.

"This is possibly a viral outbreak, but we await the final results of the analysis." Freddy Medina said the epidemiologist.

But most troubling to physicians is that the picture presented by patients does not correspond with the results of the analysis. "For example, a patient who exhibits the same symptoms of dengue, but the studies go as normal." Ensures Isabel Matos, Assistant Secretary of Health.

the Catalan community, Wilfredo Canario causes panic anyone know that disease is circling in the air. "Everyone should know what is or we will die but everyone."

The strange disease that produces different symptoms has alarmed the locals to the point of using masks as a preventative.

The most common symptoms are:

· Fever and flu
· Dolores muscle
· Pigmentation of skin
headache and vomiting Swelling

For Health Secretary Bautista Rojas Gomez, situción in that place is not to panic. "As a small community and people see that the disease killed two creates a kind of fear, but everything is under control."

And is that during 10 days of Public Health will monitor the progress of the rare virus with a mobile laboratory technicians and epidemiologists.

ultimately without knowing which is the virus that affects the town, the stuck medicating the locals are against a presumed condition that goes into the environment.

In the impoverished village performed a field survey, analyzing samples of blood and water, and an autopsy of one of the bodies to identify unusual disease.

Now the community is just waiting for the results of the study carried out by SP in the area, trying to get to the end, the mysterious illness that keeps them in suspense.